About Us

Begin the story

From necessity to nostalgia and from nostalgia to reality

More than two years ago, the world was rocked by an unprecedented pandemic. The arrival of COVID-19 brought with it a health and economic crisis that affected millions of people around the planet. In the midst of this turbulence, families faced a critical situation, not only in terms of health and safety, but also emotionally. Uncertainty, social distancing, and mandatory lockdowns had a profound impact on our daily lives. Many families, like ours, found ourselves in a difficult situation. We witnessed jobs being lost and economic stability vanishing overnight.

However, in the midst of adversity, a spark of hope emerged. We realized that, in moments of darkness, we needed to find a way to ease the emotional burden we all carried in our hearts. It was then that, based on the knowledge of the family, being professionals in the development of medicines, cosmetics, supplements, etc. The idea of creating scented candles was born.

We set out to offer more than a fragrance, a sensory experience. We wanted to provide a breath of tranquility and calm in the midst of the chaos. Scented candles became our way of conveying a message of hope and comfort to those who were struggling emotionally. Through carefully selected scents, we create candles that not only fill spaces with exquisite fragrances, but also transport you to that place and moment that you could not go, aroused emotions, bringing with it a sense of serenity and well-being. It was our way of extending a warm hug to those who needed it most.

Since then, we have worked tirelessly to perfect the quality of our candles and expand our market presence. Through strategic alliances with various points of sale, we have managed to reach more people who are looking for a way to find comfort and balance in difficult times. Today, our purpose is clear: to ignite emotions and offer an aromatic refuge in moments of turbulence. We invite you to join us on this journey and discover how our candles can illuminate your most special moments, providing you with an oasis of peace in a hectic world. Thank you for being part of our history and for allowing us to be part of yours.

Welcome to our story, where self-improvement and the transformative power of scented candles intertwine to create a path to serenity and hope.

Our Value

Let's go to an ever brighter future

The love for nature and for safeguarding the artisan process that follows the manufacture of each candle, are present in our hearts and are the center of our business.

“Mom Merci” candles are made with the highest quality natural ingredients: sustainably sourced raw materials that are sourced from renewable sources, such as soy and beeswax.
We use high-quality fragrances that are free of phthalates and other harmful compounds. We strive to select fragrances that are safe for both you and the environment.

We strongly believe in the importance of reducing waste and encouraging reuse. That’s why our candle containers are designed to be reusable. We use packaging materials that are recyclable and biodegradable. Additionally, we strive to eliminate the use of plastics and opt for more sustainable options whenever possible.

Candles made in harmony with the environment, because, like you, we adopt a lifestyle that advocates health and respect


Join our family

Are you ready to start your journey as an authorized Mom Candles reseller? Fill out the contact form below and our team will get back to you as soon as possible. Don’t miss the opportunity to be part of our family and bring the magic of Mom Candles to your customers!